I haven’t taken my medication in probably a week…maybe a little more. I don’t know why I stopped. And I don’t know if the stop has made a difference. I feel weird though. Like I feel like crying sometimes. Right now, it’s just random. But even watching tv shows or movies, there will be a sad part or not even sad part and I will just feel like crying. Like an overwhelming sense of emotions are inside of me. And another thing. I wrote this on Monday. It’s just easier to copy it down word for word, so here ya go.
Something is not right. But I don’t know what’s wrong. Today in graphic design I got the most agonizing pain in the wrist of my right arm. It was the exact definition of searing. Like a bolt of lightning entered into my wrist and through my arm. It made me stop what I was doing and grasp my wrist with my other hand for several seconds, until the pain finally subsided. And now, probably 45 minutes later my chest has this aching feeling in it. It’s not quite as sharp—actually it might be bordering on dull, pulsating pain, digging into my chest.
Something is not right.
What ‘what?’ is the question.
Or is this all in my head?
It’s not the first time I’ve had that excruciating pain in my wrist. Sometimes it starts in my heart, goes to my right shoulder and travels down to my wrist. It hurts like hell. It’s hard to describe but I guess it feels like lightning. Not that I know what lightning feels like, but it feels like how I imagine lightning to feel like. Sometimes I get it in my chest. The lightning feel. Like someone is stabbing a bolt of lightning straight through my heart. I don’t think I get it anywhere else. Just in my right wrist, my heart area, and then when it travels to my wrist. I don’t know why I get it, and I don’t know when I get it. It’s just so odd.
I feel tired. Like I am extra tired this week for some reason. Even when I get enough sleep. Although, when is it really enough? I guess there’s a small part of an insomniac inside of me somewhere. But it’s usually the worst in the summer, or when I'm at home. Once I remember staying up until 8 in the morning. It’s a strange feeling just sitting at the foot of your bed, doing nothing. Not really thinking about anything in particular but just starring into space. Anyways, I just feel like I’m sleepwalking when I’m awake.
I was gonna write more…but I’m sleepy haha more later maybe…
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