And I feel sick
sick to my stomach
and dizzy in my head
and also
as if something or someone has
taken over my body.
It doesnt feel mine anymore.
Lately I have been so stressed out. About school
Dying relatives
Boy troubles
Kaylee and her cancer
But mostly just school
and Bryce.
It's getting to the point where I physically cannot deal anymore. And it's taking a toll on my body. Vomiting.
Vomiting in random places at random times because the stress has taken over my body and is controlling everything. Who I am. How I react. And so forth.
I cant even tell you how many times I have found myself curled over the toilet, dry heaving and heaving and heaving
and then sometimes I will eventually throw up.
Sometimes there's just nothing there.
And it's not only throwing up. Sometimes I get so s-t-r-e-s-s-e-d that I cant stop shaking...or I cant keep myself from rocking back and forth.
back and forth.
I dont know what this all means. I almost feel how I felt in my insomniac times. And that's not good. [like as if there's a bubble around you, filled with water. moving so slow. hearing so foggy]
I'm just so sick
so so sick
of this place.
Take me home.
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